Saturday, March 24, 2012

growing old


oh my~~ Yesterday was HOT!!!! and so does today~ I don't know about tomorrow....
and I feel like burnt!!! x_x

but, yesterday made me wanna take some photos in front of my home under a very very very shiny sun!!! ^^

Then I took a photo....

This is startfruit tree. It's age just same as like me. I am growing old with this tree.
I used to climb this tree when I was a kid... It was so fun! Miss that moment! (' _ ')

I took another photos....

If we look to the photo of the tree on the right side, we can see the wabisabi... Okay, I don't really understand about wabisabi, BUT it's kinda old tree in a modern world. *ngomong apa sih gw?* ahahahha,, forget about it!! And please enjoy the photo~ ahahahayy

When I was too enjoy taking photo,,,, suddenly a baby starfruit fell into my hair!!!! XD

ahahahaha~~~ really enjoy that time ^^

Well, I will post more photos of "Jepret sana Jepret sini" :D

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